Thursday, April 4, 2019

Growing in Unity Day Four: Owl I need is a little inspiration

Hello! Welcome to the fourth day of my week as a GIU Gal.  The card for today took a long time to think through.  I knew I wanted to use the owl stamp (Looking For Love), but I wasn't sure how I wanted to put it together. Usually, when I am in need of inspiration, I will just pop over to Pinterest or check out the examples made using the stamp at the stamp company's website. Guess what?! I couldn't find any examples for this stamp.  Zip! Zilch! Nada!  So, I looked at other owl cards, but they just made me want to buy more stamps and really didn't inspire me.  I stamped the owl on some paper and started playing around with it and then, I left it in my craft room and thought about it - for hours!  Do you ever do that? Just mull ideas over in your mind trying to decide exactly how you want to make a card?  That's part of my process, especially when it's an image that I know I want to use, but haven't decided on the colors or papers that will work best.
So, I thought about this owl all day.  I thought I'd put my card together after dinner, but dinner got interesting when my oven decided to throw out an error code and overheat. So, we had to shut off the power to the oven, cool it off and try to problem solve, oh, and still throw together something for dinner.  So, this card was finished at 1 am, which sounds late, but I'm a night owl (ha! I think I just made a pun).  I'm pretty happy with the end result, which is usually what happens when I have a stamp that stumps me for a bit.
Just one more day to go and I've saved my favorite stamp for the last day, so I hope you come back tomorrow.  Don't forget to leave a comment to be entered to win Unity stamps for yourself!  Today's question is: What do you use to inspire you when you are card making?
Thanks for stopping by!  See you tomorrow. - DeAnn


  1. Super cute card. My inspiration for making a card is usually a video I have watched.

  2. ha! I do exactly what you do … try to find other works done with that stamp and Pinterest. Or sometimes I go to a sketch challenge to see if it will fit. I love the design you ended up with - so perfect for this cute owl. Looking forward to seeing what your fave Unity stamp is ...

  3. Such a cute card. I often go to the Unity challenge albums for inspiration!

  4. Fabulously put together. I too often create best in the dark or early hours.

  5. Unity has a great collection of owls. This one is no exception.

  6. Darling card. Turned out great. Some of my best work comes after midnight. I look towards Pinterest or Instagram for inspiration. Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. So nice! Love the layers and colors, and the owl of course. Thank you for sharing your talents.

  8. I love your owl card. It is wonderful and the layers and cutout is perfect. I use pinterest for inspiration and also instagram and facebook. Yes, I too end up seeing more things to buy!

  9. That stamp is so cute and I love what you did with it. Your colors have impressed me every day.

  10. Love the layering and that adorable owl! Sweet card!

    1. For inspiration, I love to look at my favorite blogs!

  11. Such a cutie! A great result too

  12. I too am all about Pinterest . . . and You Tube . . . and blogs . . . and following by email . . . Wait! I must dream of creating more than I knew!

    1. Dale Sue - you are one of my two winners! Please contact me with your mailing address ASAP so your prize can get to you soon!

  13. I love your card, especially all the layers. When I'm stuck, I go to the Unity albums on Facebook or to Pinterest.

  14. Love your card. ❤ The layout is great. My daughter is a big owl fan, and I'm a night owl. Lol I don't really look to anything for inspiration, but do love to look at other people's creations. I usually just look through my supplies, and see what may speak to me when I'm feeling creative.

  15. I use anything from a piece of fabric to a piece of paper to a color combo for inspiration... sometimes it’s even bits and pieces I just need to use up.

  16. Oh my cuteness! I love owls! Your card is so sweet! I’m inspired by so many different things... fabric, patterns, colors, papers. I also love to look through blogs, Instagram, and Facebook for inspiration.

  17. What a great story. Love the owl. For inspiration...go for a walk in nature, or fabric store (look at colors and patterns), or watch videos. Lately it’s mixed media and try to incorporate some of that into cards...or the Unity challenges have REALLY been fun to do.

    1. Debra Dekock - you are one of my winners! Please send me your mailing information ASAP, so your prize can get to you soon!

  18. Your owl card is great!!! Loving your coloring and design!!! I am a visual stamper like you- I go look for inspiration before I create!!!
